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Road trip to Squamish!

After having Indian buffet for lunch, my friends decided that such a nice day should be spent in Squamish! So we did!
{The gorgeous Sea-to-Sky highway.) 

 {Zephyr Cafe in Squamish.}

Baby Justina: Mini me!

And by mini me, I don't mean my non-existent child. I mean, me in my mini days!

Happy Friday!

Yep that was me with the pink overalls and hipster heart sunglasses, staring at my sister's butt.  I was just too cool for school....

100 Followers! (& exciting news!)

As of March, 5th, 2013 I have hit the blogosphere milestone of 


Well actually, 105 followers as of today. Woop woop!

A great big thank you to everyone who subscribes to my blog. It means a lot that my content is not completely lost in cyber space! 

And okay, so while I didn't actually have any real celebrations planned, I have been really excited and would like to raise a toast to all of you.


Also, I have some BIG news! registered & protected