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C'est la vie, c'est la vie

Oh I missed the bus!
C'est la vie.

That man just cut in front of my lane!
C'est la vie.

I forgot I had an assignment due today!
C'est la vie.

How many times have you had something happen where it just consumes your mind and infuriates you? My hand would have to be raised for this because I am very much guilty.

We need to learn that to let go of things, even when the world is not so kind. Sometimes because it hurts too much to continue being hurt, and other times, because we just cannot change it.


  1. In Mexico we had a similar saying: "Ni modo". Kind of like "nevermind", but the idea is definitely "c'est la vie". There's nothing you can do, so oh well. Move on!

    I'm not very good at it either...

  2. Yes, that happens all to often. I think I also need to rein in my hot temper

  3. I am guilty of this. I worry a lot and because of that, I get tired easily. We should practice moving on because bad things happen randomly.

  4. I needed to read this today! I've been so frustrated at a lot of little things piling up in my life, and sometimes people forget to step back. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone, and that it's okay to take a deep breath :)


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